Wine to Water 2019
6:00 PM18:00

Wine to Water 2019

  • CeNita Vineyards Winery and Tasting Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FARE International's third annual Wine to Water event will be held at CeNita Vineyards, Winery & Tasting Room on September 7, 2019, from 6:00PM to 9:00PM. All proceeds will be used to drill wells to provide clean water for rural villages in Ghana, West Africa. The evening will include dinner, live music and a silent auction. Silent auction items will include donated art, gifts and baskets from local businesses throughout North Georgia. A cash bar will be available with local wine from CeNita Vineyards. 

Tickets will include event entry and dinner. Individual tickets are available for $75 per person. Tables for 8 people are available for $500. Corporate sponsorships are available for $100, please email for more information about corporate sponsorships.

Cocktail party attire.

For the past two years, proceeds from this event provided clean water for two communities in Ghana serving over 1,000 people. We hope you will join us this year!

FARE International is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity, donations and event entry are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law (EIN: 81-0947198).

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2018 FARE International Golf Tournament
1:00 PM13:00

2018 FARE International Golf Tournament

Join us for our second annual golf tournament fundraiser to reduce hunger and poverty in Ghana, West Africa! 
Format: Best ball scramble with 4 man teams
Entry Fee: $65/player or $260/team of 4
Entry fee includes green fees, cart, and lunch. Registration is open to the first 19 teams. Walk up team registration is available on the day of the tournament unless the tournament field is full. Mulligans are available for $5 each (limit 2 per player). 
Contact Dusty Rogers at for more information. 

Hole sponsorships are available:

Hole sponsor: $100 for Business name on tee box signage

Silver Sponsor: $275 for name and logo on the banner at check-in table and awards podium, plus one hole sign.

Gold Sponsor: $500 for name and logo on the banner at check-in table and awards podium, two hole signs, and one team entry into the tournament.

Platinum Level Sponsor: $1,000 for title sponsorship with name/logo on all emails and letters sent as well as press releases, newspaper articles, 5 hole signs, and logo on the banner at tournament check-in and awards podium plus 1 team entry into the tournament (limit 1).

Contact Dusty Rogers at for more information on hole sponsorships.

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Wine to Water 2018
6:00 PM18:00

Wine to Water 2018

FARE International's second annual Wine to Water event will be held at CeNita Vineyards, Winery & Tasting Room on May 5, 2018, from 6:00PM to 9:00PM. All proceeds will be used to drill wells to provide clean water for rural villages in Ghana, West Africa. The evening will include dinner, live music and a silent auction. Silent auction items will include donated art, gifts and baskets from local businesses throughout North Georgia. A cash bar will be available with local wine from CeNita Vineyards. 

Tickets will include event entry and dinner. Individual tickets are available for $75 per person. Tables for 8 people are available for $500. Corporate sponsorships are available for $100, please email for more information about corporate sponsorships.

Summer cocktail party attire. 

FARE International is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity, donations and event entry are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law (EIN: 81-0947198).

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Wine to Water Fundraising Event
6:00 PM18:00

Wine to Water Fundraising Event

FARE International's inaugural Wine to Water event will take place May 13, 2017, from 6:00PM to 9:00PM at Cenita Vineyards Tasting Room in Cleveland, Georgia. The evening will include dinner, music and a silent auction.

Individual tickets: $50 per person

Couples: $90 for two tickets

Corporate sponsors table for six: $250 per table

*Corporate sponsors, please contact for more information about corporate advertisement during the event.

All proceeds will be used to provide clean water in rural villages in Ghana, West Africa. A cash bar will be available with local wine from Cenita Vineyards, as well as non-alcoholic beverages.

Event entry and all donations are tax-deductible. Tickets can be purchased online at:

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